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Upcoming events


Bowling Party - Nautical Lanes - Avon Lake - Princesses and Guides - Family Event

01-12-2025 2:30 pm -4:30 pm
$13 pp pre-register / $15 PP at the door
 Bowling Party - Nautical Lanes - Avon Lake - Princesses and Guides - Family Event

Bowling Party - Sunday

The West Shore Indian Guides and Princesses will be hosting a bowling party at  Nautical Lanes in Avon Lake. This will take place from 2:30 - 4:30pm. $13 per person if you register online and $15 per person at the door.  Includes 2 hours of bowling, shoes, and pizza/drinks.

NOTE - Please plan on arriving at 2:15 pm to get setup and get your lane.

Ticket Information

Ticket Type Price
Adult(s) $13.00
Children $13.00

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Maumee Bay State Park Campout - Princesses Only

01-24-2025 - 01-26-2025
$170 for 1st dad / child $50 for each additional child
Maumee Bay State Park Campout - Princesses Only

Maumee Bay State Park Campout - Princesses Only

The Princesses will head back to Maumee Bay Resort. This is the only campout this year for Princesses only, don't miss out.

Please do not contact the hotel directly - they will not take your reservation, and you won't get our group discount.

Ticket Information

Ticket Type Price
Dad & 1st Child $170.00
Additional child $50.00

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Maumee Bay Lodge & Conference Center Campout - Guides Only

02-07-2025 - 02-09-2025
$170 Dad and 1st Son / $50 for each additional son
Maumee Bay Lodge & Conference Center Campout - Guides Only

Maumee Bay Lodge & Conference Center Campout - Guides Only

The Guides will head back to Maumee Bay Resort.

Please do not contact the hotel directly - they will not take your reservation, and you won't get our group discount.

Ticket Information

Ticket Type Price
Dad & 1st Child $170.00
Additional child $50.00

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Tobogganing - Family Event

02-20-2025 5:00 pm -8:00 pm
$15 per person (Early Bird pricing)
Tobogganing - Family Event

Thursday Night 5:00 pm, Pizza Included!!

Tobogganing is be on Thursday night, under the lights and will include pizza for adults and kids. Registration is required!

Tobogganing at the Cleveland Metroparks Strongsville Chalet We've rented out the facility for just the Princesses and Guides, their fathers, mothers and siblings! Costs are only $15 per person if you signup online before Feb, otherwise $20 at the door.

Riders must be at least 42" tall and must have gloves or mittens.


Ticket Information

Ticket Type Price
Per person

per person


Ice Skating Party - Family Event

03-08-2025 2:00 pm -4:00 pm
$6 per person at the door / $4 for skate rental
Ice Skating Party - Family Event

Ice Skating Party - Family Event

Join the Indian Princesses and Guides at the Hamilton Skating Rink in Rocky River. Bring your own skates if you have them.

Pizza and drinks will also be provided by the Nation! 

This is a family and friends event.  Bring mom, siblings, and friends!! 

Please login to register for this event


Pinewood Derby

03-22-2025 9:00 am -12:00 pm
$10 per car kit
Pinewood Derby

Pinewood Derby


The Princesses and Guides will be racing Pinewood Derby cars at the Rocky River United Methodist Church. 


WEIGH-IN's - All cars must be turned in prior to race.   Turn in your car in on the Friday before between 5:30 - 8:00 p.m. at the Rocky River United Methodist Church.  Sorry, NO cars will be accepted after 8 p.m. on Friday.


REGISTRATION - All racers are required to be registered BEFORE weigh-in. This will help us streamline the weigh-in process. Please click the registration link below and fill out the form for EACH guide or princess who will be racing.

Race Day Schedule:

  • 9:00 am - coffee and donuts

  • 9:15 am - Guides race

  • 10:00 am - Dads race

  • 10:30 am - Princess Race

Times may be adjusted depending on participation. 

Registration Form

Car specifications and rules




Camp Kon-O-Kwee

04-11-2025 - 04-13-2025
$195 for dad and 1st child
Camp Kon-O-Kwee

Camp Kon-O-Kwee - Princess and Guides

This will be a combined Princesses and Guides campout.  Activities include indoor rock climbing, zip line, the Trail of courage, canoeing, archery, BB Guns, fishing, crafts and much more!! Prepare your skits and torches for our torch parade.

Ticket Information

Ticket Type Price
Dad & 1st Child $195.00
Additional child $95.00

Please login to register for this event


Father / Daughter Dance - Princesses Only

05-03-2025 5:00 pm -10:00 pm
$60 / 1st pair; $15 each additional child
Father / Daughter Dance - Princesses Only

Father / Daughter Dance - Princesses Only

Pull out your Sunday best and bring your dancing shoes - this annual event is one that you surely won't want to miss.  We will be returning to Wagner's in Westlake on the corner of Center Ridge and Bradley Road from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Ticket Information

Ticket Type Price
Dad & daughter with Kids meal

Dad get's adult meal: daughter get kids meal

Dad & daughter with adult meal

Dad and daughter both get adult meals.

Additional Daughter with kids Meal

Daughters gets Kids Meal

Additional Daughter with adult Meal

Daughter gets adult meal


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Camp Tippecanoe YMCA - Princesses and Guides

05-16-2025 5:00 pm - 05-18-2025 12:00 pm
$135.00 per pair and $45.00 per extra child
Camp Tippecanoe YMCA - Princesses and Guides

Camp Tippecanoe YMCA - Princesses and Guides

Camp Tippecanoe, the campground is near New Philadelphia in the Lake Clendening area. Activities include canoeing, archery, pellet guns, fishing, tie-dyeing, rocket launching and crafts.

Ticket Information

Ticket Type Price
Dad & 1st Child $135.00
Additional child $45.00

Please login to register for this event
